Report Date: Department of Fish and Game (DFG) announced today two public meetings to discuss the current status of California's anadromous white and green sturgeon. The meetings are to solicit ideas from the public on potential protective fishing emergency regulations, as well as regulations that might be implemented on a long-term basis.
Last month DFG proposed that the California Fish and Game Commission adopt emergency regulations as part of a plan to encourage the recovery of California's sturgeon spawning populations. The regulations DFG suggested would limit white sturgeon harvest in the Sacramento-San Joaquin river system and green sturgeon harvest in inland and ocean waters. The Commission considered DFG's proposal on Feb. 2 and requested that DFG collect additional feedback from the public before considering additional alternatives for emergency protection of sturgeon.
The public meetings are as follows:
Wednesday, Feb. 8 ??? Veteran's Hall, 1425 Veteran's Memorial Circle, Yuba City, 7 to 9 p.m.; Thursday, Feb. 16 ??? JFK Library-Joseph Room, 505 Santa Clara St., Vallejo, 4 to 7 p.m.