The 2008 fishing licenses are now available, and make an excellent last-minute gift idea or stocking stuffer. Giving fishing licenses is so popular, that the DFG estimates that 10-percent of its' annual license sales come during the holidays.
Besides traditional hook-and-line fishing, A California fishing license is required to take any kind of fish, mollusk, crustacean, invertebrate, amphibian or reptile. That means if you are trapping crawdads in a slough, or even just catching lizards in a vacant lot, you need a fishing license if you are age 16 or older. The only reptiles exempted from the license requirement are rattlesnakes.
of the new licenses and stamps are available at license agents such as sporting goods and tackle stores throughout Northern California.
A typical Chico or Oroville-based angler who fishes all of the possibilities within a three-hour drive [but doesn't dive for abalone] will need to ante up $63.05. Fishing only in Lake Oroville [without a second-rod stamp] can be done with the basic $38.85 license, but to fish for all species in the Feather and Sacramento Rivers will be $50.95 [again without the second-rod stamp]. Remember that the Bay-Delta Stamp is required
Notable changes include a revision in the "Second-Rod Stamp" rules, which will now allow an angler to use two rods in most inland waters, except for waters in which only artificial lures or barbless hooks may be used. Previously, the use of a second rod was permitted in lakes and reservoirs only.
Also revised are the rules regarding the Klamath-Trinity Salmon Report Card. The card will now be required for all anglers taking salmon in the Klamath-Trinity River system, including persons who are not required to have a sport fishing license, such as persons who are under 16 years of age, and persons who are fishing on free fishing days.
The traveling California-resident angler who fishes and scuba dives throughout California from the Oregon border to the Mexican border will shell out a whopping $102.30, while a non- California resident visitor would pay $167.65 for the same activity.
2008 fishing license and stamp prices [includes approx. 5-percent agent fee] are as follows:
Resident Sport Fishing License- $38.85
One-Day Sport Fishing License- $12.60
Two-Day Sport Fishing License- $19.45
Non-Resident Sport Fishing License- $104.20
10-Day Non-Resident-- $38.85
Second-Rod Stamp- $12.10
Bay-Delta Enhancement Stamp- $6.05
Steelhead Report Card- $6.05
Klamath/Trinity Salmon Report Card- $5.25
Sturgeon Report Card- Free
Abalone Report Card- $18.65
Ocean Enhancement Stamp- $4.45
Spiny Lobster Report Card- $7.90
Colorado River Stamp- $3.00
Free or Reduced-Fee License- Available to a limited number of disabled and low-income persons, along with some Native Americans. See DFG website for requirements.
License-free Fishing Days- Scheduled for 2008 on June 7 and September 27.
Lifetime licenses
Serious outdoors people may want to consider purchasing a Lifetime License. This program is not available from license agents, but must be handled directly from a DFG license office. The nearest license offices are in Redding or Sacramento.
Lifetime Fishing License fees:
Birth to 9 years of age- $432.50
10 to 39 years of age- $710.75
40 to 61 years of age- $639.75
62 years of age or older- $432.50
Fishing stamp privileges- $290.50
Lifetime Hunting License fees:
Birth to 9 years of age- $432.50
10 to 39 years of age- $710.75
40 to 61 years of age- $639.75
62 years of age or older- $432.50
Lifetime Bird Stamps- $249.00
Lifetime Big Game Tags- $527.25
Fishing participation
The US Fish and Wildlife Service published its 2006 fishing participation study, and found that although California has the most "licensed" anglers [1.73 million]; it actually ranks only third in total angling participation behind Florida [2.77 million] and Texas [2.52 million].
The statistical difference is due to the fact that Florida and Texas do not require a license for most types of saltwater fishing. The states with the highest percentage of fishing participation are Alaska and Minnesota, both at 28-percent of the population.
Bass are by far America's most popular game fish, with more than 34 percent ranking the species as "favorite". One out of seven Americans fished in 2006, making it more popular than jogging or golf. More than half of all anglers have attended college, and 25-percent of all anglers are women.
Also very interesting are the participation numbers for European anglers, as given by the publication Tackle Trade World. In Europe, carp are by far the most popular species, with 37.2 percent of anglers naming them as "favorite species". Ocean fishing [all species] is in second place, with 29.9 percent, while trout/salmon are third at 24.4 percent, and "other" taking the remaining 8.5 percent.
Report Date:
The Irvine Lake Kid's Lagoon will be stocked with a "bonus shot" of brown trout and brook trout, to go along with the usual batch of rainbow trout. This will present an opportunity for kids age 12 and under to participate in the DFG's "Grand Slam" awards program, as part of the department's "Passport" activities. To qualify for a "Coldwater Grand Slam", an angler must catch 3 different species of trout. Additionally, plenty of brown trout and brook trout are......
Report Date:
Despite cold winter weather conditions, Irvine Lake continued to kick out plenty of trout over the weekend and first part of the week, reported Jimmy Getty at the Pro Shop. "Trout fishing has been really good", observed Getty. "The water was pretty murky from the rain and muddy runoff, but is clearing midweek. The lake level has gone down about 10 inches since the intake pipe was shut off, and it is very cold in the mornings." The most productive......