Report Date:
~~Aug 18
So we did it again. We had a nice day. Arrive/depart day. Once again, we got out here at a good time and connected on a couple of schools. We ended our day with 81 tuna. And they're still that good grade. 25 pound average. So nice. Free ones. Departure fish. I told everyone to bring there horse shoes and rabbits feet. I think they did.
The bait thing went better than expected. It wasn't Armageddon like I thought it may be. We used 1/2 the bait I thought would croak and the rest hasn't had any die off yet. Now we just need our main slammer of bait to hang in there. The only thing is we didn't get a full load of bait so we may need to catch some down the line. At least I hope that's the only thing. Time will tell Joe. Time will tell.
We're going to drift here tonight. It literally feels like we're anchored in the bay right now. It's so nice. We'll start here in the morning and try to do it again. Let's keep the ball rolling.
Drew and crew
Report Date:
~~Aug 17 We figured it out. The Cortes Bank isn't good right now for bait, or game fish. Somebody had to be the guinea pigs. Why not the boat full of fish already. Check that off the list of places not to go for a while. One thing I can say about that place is the weather there was fantastic. Such a smooth ride around the area. Not a common thing for that place. If you aren't going to catch much......
Report Date:
~~Aug 16 We had another good day today. Well, afternoon I should say. Yesterday, we got here at 2:30 in the PM and the fish were biting right away. I thought for sure if we were here earlier, it would be stellar. Nope. 2:30 was just right. We hung out here all day not seeing any yellers, then right at 2;30, they showed up and it was good fishing for the next few hours. We set up a little differently today......