Report Date:
http://www.kenssport.comThe Reservoir has been fishing pretty well this past week, some days it's been better trolling and some days better still fishing but most anglers are getting into some good fish most every day. Then the trolling is on they've been catching fish with crawlers, needlefish, small rapalas and thomas bouyants. When bait fishing is the key it's been pinched crawlers, power bait, inflated crawlers and mice tails. We haven't had too many reports from fly anglers but I'd expect it to be good either stripping streamers or stillwater nymphing with soft hackles, callibaetis nymphs, damsel nymphs and small midges. Bait anglers have been posting up off of Rainbow Point, near the "Bathtub" and out in the flats in front of the Marina, trollers have been trolling the narrows as well as the flats and down near the dam.
Report Date:
The Twins have been fishing pretty well with lots of 1 to 2 pounders making a showing as well as......