East Walker RIver Fly Report

Tom Loe

Report Date:


The EW is showing signs of life after a tough couple of years. The flows are now down to an ideal 170cfs. There remain issues with aquatic weeds in the slower sections. Focus on the pocket water; or riffles for more consistent action. Heavily weighted nymph rigs fished in the faster riffle water downstream will get you a shot at a larger browns. Strong caddis, midge, mayfly, & damsel fly hatches are going off. Try larger Assassins, FB PT’s. and damsel nymphs. Hi-vis caddis, and hoppers are targets for surface feeders. Lob some Loebergs, Punk Perch, or damsel nymph streamers for a shot at bad LeRoy brown during low light periods.

This fishery is open year around below the Bridgeport Reservoir dam to Nevada State line. Open year a in Nevada also.

Todd Ayers did well on his trip to the EW with Doug Dolan. The browns are fat & happy thanks to the increased water we have seen here this summer.
Photo Credit: Sierra Drifters

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Tom Loe Reports
for Monday, July 25th, 2016
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Owens River - Gorge: The Gorge Update
Bridgeport Reservoir: Marina is Open
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San Joaquin River-Middle Fork: Conditions Improving
Jurassic Pond (Private): Jurassic Pond Fish Report
: Grasshoppers!
A Fish Report for 7/25/16

Tom Loe

Report Date:

A Fish Report for 7/25/16 Guided fly fishing trips for Crowley Lake, Grant & Silver Lakes, the San Joaquin, Upper and......

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