Report Date:
http://www.pointlomasportfishing.comTHE MISSION BELLE JUST CALLED IN with 40+ yellowtail onboard and still fishing!!
Tonight all boats are privately chartered. The following open party trips depart tomorrow.
The New Lo-An is leaving Monday night for a 1.5 day trip. $360 a person and room for all aboard. Mexican permit is included.
The Dominator will head out Monday night as well for a 1.5 day trip. $360 a person with 15 spots left. Mexican permit is included.
The Mission Belle will be headed to the Coronado Islands Monday and Tuesday. They will be chartered Thursday to Saturday.
The Point Loma will be running a mix of Coronado Islands and LOCAL trips this week. Please verify which trip you are looking for. Call us if you have any concerns.
The Half day Daily Double is running out at 6:30am and 1:00pm. 7 days a week unless privately chartered.
Any questions or concerns on trips feel free to call (619)223-1627 and our office staff would be happy to help out.
Report Date:
The New Lo-An called in with 32 Yellowfin Tuna and 1 Dorado for their overnight charter. Upcoming trips: Departing tonight Friday 7/29/16: We have the New Lo-An scheduled for a 1 day offshore trip. The trip cost is $250 a person and includes a Mexican permit. The Grande is also departing for a overnight tonight. This trip costs $250 per person and includes Mexican permit. The El Capitan......