Report Date:
http://www.theanglersedge.comThe NDOW stocked fish are still hanging there, that will be nice when the cottonwoods turn yellow and we can do some fall fishing down there. In the early morning go for a dry dropper set up of a caddis (Elk Hair) with a zebra midge (black) drop. Mid-day, if the fish will play, throw a bugger in a size 8 – size 12 Being clearer, start being a little more sneaky (yes, this is a fishing terminology :) Dead Drift Red Copper Johns, Golden stones, little yellow stones, zebra midges, or San Juans. Dry fly action should always include a dropper of a zebra midge, hare's ear, caddis pupa, make it a stimulator or grasshopper a cripple caddis or ant. It's almost time to start venturing up the further reaches, they'll hit s dry nicely early in the morning and late in the evening. Remember to release wilds (par marks, 'God's Thumbprints' along lateral line) and the brown trout to keep the populations going!
Flows average: 72 cfs, about 15 cfs below median.