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http://www.rbbassfishing.netWind wind and more wind!
Not being able to pick and choose the day’s I get to go fishing, I have to deal with whatever mother nature throws at me.
Today it was wind, blowing out of the North at 15mph even more at times. Air temperature was in the low 70’s and the water temp was 60 to 63 degrees. I am sure a lot of fish have already spawned in some spots on the Delta but where I was fishing they had moved back to outside edge of the weeds.
Unable to fish the area I wanted, I had to use the wind and the Delta current to my advantage. Using a TNTBAITCO.COM Claymore Chatterbait and Red Biggie square bill crankbait, I was able to catch some nice fish in 7 to 10 feet of water.
Today was more of a learning to deal with whatever Mother Nature throws at me then it was about catching fish, I had to really keep telling myself to just fish what is giving to you and keep positive. So tomorrow if the wind is blowing or pouring rain just get out and fish the condition I promise, it will make a better fisherman out of you. See ya on the water!
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I’ve fished the lake from top to bottom this week .I,m finding stained water down south with low sixty degree......