Report Date: EL BUDSTER goes on a one half fishing charter today. But does not catch any fish. Fishing on the EL BUDSTER II . The Patrick Taylor party from Bloomingdale, IL catches and releases a 120 lb. STRIPED MARLIN. It is caught on a live Caballito and takes 45 minutes to get to the boat. They also catch a 20 lb. DORADO. Both fish were caught about 18 miles out of Cabo. The water temp. was 76 - 77 degrees.
Report Date:
Fishing on the World Famous EL BUDSTER. Troy Whistler and Chad Stone from Allen, TX combine to catch, tag and release a 120 lb. STRIPED MARLIN. It is caught on a live Caballito and takes about one hour to get to the boat. Fishing on the EL BUDSTER II. The Doug Bernhardt party from Reno, NV catches and release a 120 lb. STRIPED MARLIN.It is caught on alive Pacific Mackerel. They also catch a 20 lb. DORADO.All the fish......
Report Date:
Fishing on the World Famous EL BUDSTER. Skip and Amber Jackson from San Diego, CA catch four YELLOWFIN TUNA ( 15 - 35 lbs. ) They also caught and released a 25 lb. DORADO. On the EL BUDSTER II. Randy Harris from Los Angeles, CA catches two 20 lb. YELLOWNFIN TUNA. All the fish were caught 15 -20 miles out of Cabo. The water temp. was 76 - 77 degrees.......