Report Date: departed San Diego on our annual Coastside fishing charter in good weather with high hopes of the good offshore fishing continuing. This morning we woke up with good fishing conditions and were soon looking for the magic kelp paddy to load up on. Unfortunanatly we never really connected on the right kelp. We found plenty of them but could never get the fish really going. We still scratched up a decent catch of YT and added a couple albacore to our RSW well as well, but never really found the hot kelp. Marc Gorelnik won a beautiful rod by boating the firsdt albacore on bait. We will be kelping and tuna fishing again tomorrow and are hoping to find the right kelp.
Report Date:
We had our sights set on adding more tuna to our RSW well and were fairly successful in doing so. We managed to scratch out a day of Albacore, YFT, and BFT with a couple Dorado and a standout 33 lb YT. Once again the cedar plug turned out to be the red hot trolling lure of the day consistently stopping the boat all day. The variety of species and consistent action we experienced on this trip......