Report Date:
Every fishing group has their own personality and the group we have aboard is very mellow. We have a great mix of seasoned veterans and a couple of first timers. It was very apparent the calmness that a few individuals possessed when the fish started biting during the breakfast call - there were several individuals that didn't flinch and enjoyed their breakfast rather than rushing out on deck. We questioned some of them and their reply was that they were sure to catch a few. We wish that we could someday be as confident and cool about it. By good fortune, they ended up being right and we went on to have a successful day of fishing. After good morning action on 15-25lb fish, we went looking for premiums. We saw plenty of fish but unfortunately they would not cooperate. Luckily for us in the evening we found a batch that wanted to bite a little bit and everyone got to sample the excitement of these big fish rolling around throwing water. Lilians Collins gets the assist from our beloved "mijo" showing off one of these beautiful fish.
It's All GoodReport Date:
Mix Where we get the terminology to describe the type of fish that we are catching is sometimes beyond me. We started offshore in beautiful weather, kelping and dragging jigs. We got in an area of scattered tuna sign and enjoyed a sample of "jig and a bait" style yellowfin tuna action. We captured 18 decent grade tuna fish before we dedicated the rest of the day to kelping. We never found a kelp that was loaded up, but managed to......
Report Date:
The American Angler returned early this morning with a beautiful catch of yellowtail along with tuna and dorado.... Thanks again......