Trask River Fishing Report

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Report Date:

Due to a poor return of Chinook salmon, and conservation concerns about meeting spawning escapement goals, emergency regulation changes took effect for coastal rivers in the NW Zone on November 1, 2018. As a result the Trask River is closed to fall Chinook fishing upstream of the Highway 131 bridge. Downstream of the Highway 131 bridge the bag limit for fall Chinook is reduced to one adult Chinook per day and a limit of 3 from Nov. 1 through the remainder of the season.

The hatchery coho run is virtually over, with hardly any fish left in the system. Angling will be very slow Anglers are reminded that there is NO RETENTION of wild coho in the Trask; only adipose fin-clipped coho may be retained. A few hatchery summer steelhead are present in the river, but expect slow fishing for fish that are spread out.

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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, November 21st, 2018
Elk River anglers: radio-tagged fish must be released unharmed


Report Date:

 Elk River anglers are reminded to release unharmed any radio-tagged fall chinook salmon caught. ODFW is conducting a research project......

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