Report Date:
http://www.americananglersportfishing.comThis 3 day trip returned with more quality than quantity and fabulous weather - want to thank everyone for coming out on this trip!
The jackpot was all sewn up by the Babros Family. Pictured below are Uncle Pete and Tyler with a little help from Birthday Brother, David.
1st place Tyler Babros 31lbs
2nd place Pete Babros 28.4lbs
We have a 1.5 day trip departing this afternoon - check back for report
American Angler
Report Date:
Today was one of those days where it just did not come together. Water and current conditions were not to blame as we saw plenty of fish boiling around, they just for some unknown reason would not bite. We worked hard all day and managed to scrape up just a couple of handfuls of fish but it seems like everything was overshadowed by the trip's superstar which was our flat calm weather The guys ......
Report Date:
Today's battle was already half won even before the day started due to the absolute best weather a person could......