Report Date:
https://www.seaforthlanding.comThe SAN DIEGO wrapped up Thursday's full day trip with 10 Bluefin tuna from 70-130 pounds. Friday's trip is a definite run and departs at 5:30am. Suggested tackle for this offshore Bluefin fishing includes 40# and 50# line for fly-lining sardines, a heavy setup (60-80#) with a flat fall jig crimped on with fluorocarbon, and everything from a #2 to 2/0 sized hooks. We have experienced a number of tackle failures due to the size of the fish this past week, so be sure to come prepared with new line and quality offshore style live bait hooks. The SAN DIEGO will be fishing offshore everyday through Sunday May 12th! No passports required!
The TRIBUTE, OUTER LIMITS and PRIDE have offshore Bluefin trips schedule to depart Friday evening with spots still available.
Half-day trips depart daily at 6:00am and 12:30pm. Thursday afternoon the SEA WATCH captured 10 Yellowtail to 25 pounds and one 25 pound Halibut.
Report Date:
UPDATE 2:20pm - The San Diego is now up to 7 Bluefin tuna, including a 130lb fish! The other......