Report Date:
https://www.seaforthlanding.comThe SAN DIEGO wrapped up their full day trip Friday with 7 Bluefin Tuna from 70 to 85 pounds.Today the 250g Flatfalls have been the most effective, but that can change quickly. Captain Ryan wants you to be prepared for multiple fishing styles, because these fish have been very unpredictable. He is suggesting a 25# outfit for fishing the kelp, a 40# outfit for flylining, and a 50-60# rig for fishing either the Flatfalls or sinker rig. The SAN DIEGO will be running offshore full day trips at least through Sunday may 19th. No passport required.
The NEW SEAFORTH's afternoon 1/2 day trip boated 18 Yellowtail (12-35 pounds) and 1 Lingcod. The Yellows were biting surface jigs, yo-yo'd jigs, fly-lined sardines and dropper looped sardines. Departures are at 6:00am and 12:30pm.
Report Date:
The San Diego has 6 bluefin on the boat, and one hanging. the fish are in the 70-80# range. Today the 250g Flatfalls have been the most effective, but that can change quickly. Captain Ryan wants you to be prepared for multiple fishing styles, because these fish have been very unpredictable. He is suggesting a 25# outfit for fishing the kelp, a 40# outfit for flylining, and a 50-60# rig for fishing either the Flatfalls or dropper loop.......