Report Date:
https://www.seaforthlanding.comThe San Diego has 55 yellowfin and 2 bluefin on the boat for their 44 full day anglers.
The Tribute is up to 61 yellowfin and 5 bluefin!
Light tackle is the key right now. 20# test and a size 2 hook are working well. The yellowfin are in the 10-20 pound range and the bluefin are 30-60 pounds.
The Tribute started off the day with 41 yellowfin and 2 bluefin on the boat for their 28 anglers.
Report Date:
Captain Jason of the Pride called in with 50 Yellowfin Tuna for their trip thus far! Recommended tackle for these trips is as follows: - 15,20 and 25# Fluorocarbon- #2 and #4 size hooks- Shimano Colt Snipers 60 and 80gSeaforth Tackle Shop is fully stocked on the aforementioned items and ready to assist in preparing you for your upcoming trip! ......
Report Date:
The Pacifica just called in with 50 Yellowfin Tuna for their morning of fishing! Captains are recommending 15-20# fluorocarbon line and #2 and #4 hooks. ......