Report Date:
Cloudy/ Cloudy light rain early
Air temp: 46/37
Wind: 2-5mph/5-12
For the rest of the day we focused on trees with the Dart and a Zoom finesse trick worm, this landed us a ton of fish. Most of the fish we caught came from 25-30 feet of water. A lot of the fish were suspended in the trees at the same depth so we counted down the bait and shook it in their face.
Day Two
Now it was time to throw the A-rig. I was using the Yum Flash Mob jr. but I had modified it by replacing the blades from silver to gold. The first fish was our big fish for the day, a 2.77 pound smallmouth.
Report Date:
Weather: overcast/sun mix Wind: 4-5 mph Water Temp: 51-54 Visibility: 3-6ft Video report by Mike Tremont on Folsom Lake. Mike breaks down how the......