Fish Are Aggressive and We Have Had Some Excellent Days Catching Them

Doug Rodricks

Report Date:

It’s good here up and down the river. The cutthroat spawn is pretty much coming to an end with a few fish still left in the river. Most of these fish are beat up and tired from their long spring excursion so it is best to leave them be and let them return to Crowley Lake in peace. The rainbows on the other hand are on the chew with a vengeance. These fish are very aggressive and we have been having some excellent days down here catching them. Most nymphs are working this time of year, as they are not very picky. As long as your drift is somewhat decent, you will get into fish. Look for some good dry fly caddis action in the evenings.

Best Flies: Stimulator – 12, 14, 16; Crystal Copper Tiger Midge – 16,18; B100FB – 14, 16, 18, 20; Spruce a bu dark and light; Loeberg Mallard Silver; Loeberg Guinea Silver, Crystal Midge Pupa Black – 18; Crystal Chironomid Emerger Copper – 16, 18; Broken Back Copper Tiger Midge – 14,16,18, Tangerine Opaque, Tangerine Red Flash, Kiwi Flash and Flamingo Otter Eggs.

And Rob with another rainbow trout!
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Sierra Drifters
Another rainbow trout for Chris!
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Sierra Drifters
Rob Case fished with Hans and got into some of the little rascal rainbow trout.
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Sierra Drifters
Here’s Rob with a spotted rainbow trout!
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Sierra Drifters

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Crowley Lake is Now Open!
Crowley Lake

Doug Rodricks

Report Date:

Crowley Late is now open! The fishing was good from 11-21' and fish were found in various locations. Midge hatches......

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