Report Date:
Water still fairly clear with scattered algae
Fishing Conditions and Hatches: Fair-Good
They're predicting a change to a more consistent weather pattern but the fish are scattered and the Daphnia is still on the menu so it's best to keep moving. Mcgee Bay, Leyton Springs, Alligator Point and Big Hilton Bay are still good bets but now it's more like 20'-30'. Sandy Point and Green Banks are wild cards, I haven't heard anything new. If you want Perch with possible Trout try 10'-14'. There are fish in Crooked Creek but haven't heard anything positive.
Nymphs: Shaft Emerger #14-16 | Albino Baron #14-16 | G/B Opti Tiger #16-18 | Optimidge Olive/Dun #16-18
Streamers: Crystal Bugger Black #8 | Marabou Leech Burgundy or Brown #12
Report Date:
Flow Rates and Water Conditions Water Conditions: Fair to Good, showing 22 cfs as of 6/17 Fishing Conditions and Hatches: Good to......