Report Date: of fish are scattered throughout the lake. Stillwater nymphing has been good some days and slow on others. A good starting point is between the marina and Buckeye in 12.5-13.5' of water. Copper Tigers have been doing the trick here as well as Gillies in sizes 16-20. Larger midge patterns in 12-14 in tandem with a Callibaetis pattern are working well too. The Rainbow Pt. area is also holding good numbers of fish. When the nymphing slows down, try getting in that float tube and pulling some Spruce-a-bu's (Jeffrey's favorite fly) on a sink tip line in 12- 17' of water. The water level is rising in the Res, and Jeff has plenty of boats for rent to get you on these fish. Tell him Sierra Drifters sent you and he may reveal some of his secret tricks and techniques.