Lower Owens River Fish Report- Update by Pat Jaeger 7-4-09

The Trout Fitter Staff

Report Date:


Water Conditions:

Flows are steady at 195 cfs as of 7-4-09 and water temps continue to rise with all the warm (hot) weather.

Fishing Conditions and Hatches: Good

Flows are not too high but watch out for crumbling banks . . . as in be ready to swim!

Recommended Flies:

#18-20 WD-40 in Black or Grey, #18-20 Zebra Midge, #18 Copper John in Green or Black, #14-#18 Pheasant Tail, #16 Prince Nymph, #16-18 Soft hackle Emergers, #18-#20 HBI\'s, #18 Olive Bird Of Prey

#18-#20 Tan Elk Hair Caddis, #18 Paracute Caddis, #18 Parachute Adams, #20 Hot Creek Caddis

Strip Woolybuggers in all colors on the swing or into deeper pools.

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