Hot Creek Fish Report- Update by Mark Spieler 7-30-09

The Trout Fitter Staff

Report Date:

Water Conditions: Excellent

The water is clear and the flow is around 18 cfs. on Mammoth Creek at 395. Add in the spring water and your total cfs is around 60 in the public sections.
Water temps are in the low 60's. Please avoid wading in this fragile environment! The weeds have grown substantially limiting the number of "easy drifts." The fish are still there, however, tucked in front of, under and beside the weeds or any other substantial structure. If you can make the drift, you can have an awesome day!

Fishing conditions and Hatches: Good

Hot Creek is an incredible spring creek fishery.
The fishing is getting "technical", meaning the fish are demanding good drifts and the weeds and lower level of the creek make this more challenging. Fishing is best from early till noon and then from 4:00 pm on.

Options still range from nymphing w/ or w/out an (small) indicator, Dry /Dropper or simply a Dry later in the morning or in the evening when the fish are active.
4/5/6x fluorocarbon are recommended in these conditions.

Hatches: Hatches range from Tricos around 8:00, (spinnerfall), sparse PMD's and Baetis midmorning, then small Caddis from midday on.

Recommended Flies:
#24 Tricos, #18-20 tan and brown Parachute Caddis, Little Weedy Water Sedges CDC emergers in #22, Elk Hair cad dis, olive and tan, #20, #12-14 hopper patterns tan/light brown, EC Caddis #16-20 (killer evening), tiny hackled midge dries. Chernobyl Ants (why not).

Lots of tiny midges #22-24 Zebra Midges & WD-40's in olive, grey, black, rust., #18-24 PT's, Trico nymphs, drowned spinners and emergers #22, tan Sparkle Pupa #18, Loop Wing tan CDC Caddis Emergers. Harrop's Surface Emergers and other baetis nymphs, #20, Hunchback infrequent and Sulpher Emergers # 18-20.

Guides Hint: With the weeds up and the water down, getting a good drift becomes more difficult. Stop and analyze your drift BEFORE making it.. Accuracy of where you place the fly is important right now so that you can drift the channels between the weeds. Keep your drifts on the short side and try to minimize slack line on the water. Every drift is unique, however, keeping more line off of the water is generally helpful in getting a better dead drift.

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