Owens River Fish Report- Updated by Eric Hein No change since 8-16-09

The Trout Fitter Staff

Report Date:


Water conditions: Great

Flow: 45 CFS. This is a permanent flow required to be maintained by LADWP

Fishing Conditions and Hatches: Good

Hot weather makes the gorge an oven so take water a plenty and go early.
Fishing with a dry dropper is the best choice. One of the best things about the gorge is how simplistic it can be using a size #14 dry fly with a #16-18 nymph dropper trailed behind is all you need. Some caddis are also around in the late morning. Make sure to be aware that Snakes are showing up. Use caution on the in/out hike and don\'t forget extra water for the hot weather conditions.

Recommended Flies:

-NYMPHS- #18 Tiger or Zebra Midges, #16-18 Prince Nymph, #14-18 Hares Ear, #16-#18 Pheasant Tail, !6-#18 Kyle\\\'s Super Flash PT , #18 Rock Worm, #16 Fox\'s Caddis pupa

-DRIES- #14-16 Stimi, #14-16 Royal Wulff, #16-18 Cripple BWO and Hatchmaster BWO ,#14-#18 Elk Hair or Parachute Caddis(Tan)#16 Sierra brite dot,#14 Royal Coachman and #16 yellow Humpy\'s.

Guides Hint: Lite Tippet with 3wt rods and a wading staff is great for trekking around in the gorge.

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The Trout Fitter Staff

Report Date:

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