Report Date:
Water Conditions: Good
Flows are at 84 cfs as of 7/10
Fishing conditions and Hatches: Fair-Good
Water temperatures are still hanging in there and the bigger (# 12-16) midges from the reservoir are getting flushed into the river. Every day is a new day, if you hear today was terrible head up there tomorrow, that's how consistently inconsistent it is. The drifting weeds are far worse above the bridge than below. The flows are now well below normal and water temperatures are rising. Yesterday the water temperature at 3:00 pm was 66, not terrible but getting up there. In an attempt to be a glass half full kind of guy the one positive about the low flow levels, if nighttime air temperatures get down into the 40's the water temperatures downstream from the reservoir will be cooler in the morning even on hot days. Midges and BWOs are incredibly inconsistent so be prepared for both. Midges are all day long but mainly in the morning while the BWOs are 12-1 and tiny PMDs(?) in the evening. The reservoir Daphnia explosion has run it's course and the river is now clear of them. Small PMDs (#20s) starting around 3 and then some bigger ones around 5. Also lots of midges and a good caddis hatch (#16s) from 7 until dark. Caddis are probably the most consistent, try skating an Elk Hair Caddis or fish Caddis Crawlers through the riffles. Scuds and Damsel nymphs in the slow water. The fish are eating bigger PMD nymphs mid afternoon in the riffle sections, #14-16.
Recommended Flies
DRIES: Caddis Adult Tan #14-16 | Chernobyl Ant #12-14 | Chernobyl org/grz #6-8 | Parachute Adams #16-22 | Elk Hair Caddis #12-14 | Mouse Pouch #4
NYMPHS: Prince Nymph #12-16| Tungsten Jig PMD #14-16 | Bottom Roller Psycho #10-12 | Copper Zebra #16-22 | Zebra black/silver #20-24 Zac Attack Damsel #14 | T's Stone Drummond Light #8-10 | Glass Bead Micro May Olive #22-24 | S&M Nymph #18-22 | Tungsten Jig Baetis #18-20 | TTS Opal B/L #14-18 | F/B B/H Pheasant Tail #14-18
STREAMERS: Meat Whistle | Sculpzilla | Belly Scratcher Minnow Chub #2 | Bank Robber Sculpin #2 | Punk Perch Light #10-14
| Rio's Brown Town Tan #4
EURO Streamers: GD UV P/Jig White #12 | Kaslar M/G/S Olive #12