Report Date:
http://www.pointlomasportfishing.comThe full day trip aboard the Mission Belle returned with 29 Yellowtail, 50 Bonito, and 1 Dorado for 12 passengers
The morning ½ day trip aboard the Daily Double returned 6 Sand Bass, 3 Calico Bass, 38 Rockfish and 4 Whitefish for their 24 passengers
We have spots available next week aboard the El Capitan, Oceanside 95, Pacific Islander & T-Bird. Reservations can be made by calling our office at (619) 223-1627 or through the following links: El Capitan (Schedule) New Lo-An (Schedule) Oceanside 95 (Schedule) Pacific Islander (Schedule) T-Bird (Schedule)
The Mission Belle has room for their upcoming offshore full day trips. Ticket price is $240 & includes your fishing permit for Mexico. No passport required for this trip. Click here to book (BOOK NOW)
The Daily Double is now on their summer schedule. Departure times are 8:30 AM and 3:00 PM. Bass fishing has been very good lately, so make your reservation now. Click here to book (BOOK NOW)
NEW Sportfishing parking information: (Parking info)