Hello everyone, well things change, and I'm not just talking about the weather. But first the weather, we had 18-22 knots in the morning, but by lunch, we only had 8-10 knots, with very little seas. But as we move north, the weather has cooled a lot.
Now let's talk about the fishing. Our morning started out a bit slow, with only a few Yellowtails landed, mixed in with a few bonito, which we released back to the ocean. After lunch, the charter head (CEO) talked to some of his people and they wanted to go fish Bluefin, but that would be 2 days of traveling north.
Jonathan wanted to try one more area and boy did that pay off. When found the Yellowtail and boy did, they want to bite.
We had limit style fishing on 12–18-pound Yellowtail. Once the smoke cleared, we almost had our daily limits. We did get a small Black Sea Bass, which we released back to the ocean to live another day.
So, we will spend the night here, and hope things will be the same tomorrow.
Everyone onboard would like to say a prayer for Miss JoAnn Rose's family, she will be missed by crew and passengers alike. JoAnn you have your wings now.
So, until tomorrow, wish us luck, team R/p.