Report Date:
Report Date:
Happy Hello everyone; Well, it's a new year, and we are off and running. We departed on our 17-day New Year's trip (Taka's Trip for many years). We departed from Fisherman's landing at 15:30 hours, headed over to the bait barge, loaded up with beautiful sardines. Now getting out of the harbor, that was a different story. We had 25-30 knots of breeze, 12-to-15-foot seas, but thank God, we are headed south. It would not be a nice ride going north. Still,......
Report Date:
Today we loaded up the passengers, got bait, and went through our safety orientation once we cleared the point. We have beautiful conditions making for a smooth ride down. Today was a great day for everybody to get settled into their rooms and just enjoy the ride down. Tomorrow will be a day of prep for the fishing too come! Until then, good luck and safe travels to the Royal Polaris! ......