Winter steelhead fishing on the Hood River has remained consistent

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Report Date:

Winter steelhead fishing on the Hood River has remained consistent, with many anglers reporting success. Many steelhead anglers on the Hood are successful with a bobber and soft bead. Bait is allowed on the Hood River. 

2021 was the final release for hatchery winter steelhead smolts in the Hood River. The 2023 return year will have the bulk of the 2021 release year cohort (2 salt fish).

Spring Chinook fishing on the Hood River is open until July 1. Check the regulations regarding the sport angling boundary on the west fork Hood River. Very few spring Chinook are currently in the Hood River, and the majority of fish are generally caught mid-May through June.

Rain on snow events cause dynamic flows on the Hood River throughout winter and spring. Best to check current and forecasted flows on the river prior to fishing.

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Potential record bull trout caught and released in Lake Billy Chinook
Lake Billy Chinook

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Report Date:

On April 8, Ryan Mejaski and Joe Wilhite were fishing for kokanee on the Deschutes arm of Lake Billy Chinook......

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