Report Date:
May 22 trout opener
Most westside streams will open to trout fishing next week. These streams are closed every winter to help young steelhead and salmon smolts make their way to sea. If you've never fished these small streams, they can be a hoot. Learn more about why you should give them a try.
Let young wildlife stay wild
This is the time of year outdoor enthusiasts start finding seemingly abandoned or orphaned wildlife babies. But young animals are rarely orphaned, so leave them where you find them. Chances are good mom is nearby, just waiting for you to leave before she returns to her baby. Here's what to do if you find young animals alone in the wild.
Fishing for cash
The Pikeminnow Sport Reward Fishery Program pays anglers for each northern pikeminnow they catch in the Columbia River. Each pikeminnow caught helps a few more juvenile salmon and steelhead make their way to sea. Read more about the program.
Best bets for weekend fishing
With warmer, drier weather in the forecast, it's going to be a great weekend to go fishing.
These examples are for demonstration purposes only. Check the zone reports for details and more options.
Take the family fishing
A day on the water can be great way to make some memories with your family, and catch some dinner to boot! We've gathered all our how-to and where-to information in one convenient location to help you get started.
Report Date:
Includes updates to fishing, crabbing and clamming, hunting and wildlife viewing Apply for controlled hunt tags by May 15 Earlier is better!......