Lower Owens River Report

The Trout Fitter Staff

Report Date:


Flows & Water Conditions- Poor

Clarity-Clear by PVR, Off-Color Below


Click Here For Lower Owens Flow Rates

Fishing Report & Conditions: ?

Flows are high and reports are fairly nonexistent.

From Monday, September 9th through Tuesday, September 17th, no public access will be allowed within the Owens River Gorge from Long Valley Dam to the Control Gorge Power Plant. LADWP will release higher-than-normal water down the Owens River Gorge. This riparian flow will help improve fishery and wildlife habitat along the 10-mile stretch of river between the Upper Gorge Power Plant and Pleasant Valley Reservoir.

The normal summer pattern is: Micro Caddis emergence starting around 6 AM, female Trico emergence around 7 AM, and the Trico spinner fall from 9-10 AM. Remember that fish will eat the dead spinners for many hours after the fall stops. PMD hatches are occurring around 11 AM. Later in the summer, the tiny BWO 11 occur mid-afternoon. Caddis emergence, male Trico emergence, and Caddis egg-laying occur in the evening.

More Reports

The Trout Fitter Reports
for Thursday, September 5th, 2024
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley): Upper Owens River Report
Hot Creek: Hot Creek Fishing Report
San Joaquin River-Middle Fork: Fishing has improved with a good mixture of hatches
The Trout Fitter Reports
for Thursday, August 29th, 2024
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley): Upper Owens River Report
Hot Creek: The hopper fishing is picking up
Owens River - Lower: Flows are high and reports are fairly nonexisten
San Joaquin River-Middle Fork: Fishing has improved with a good mixture of hatches


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