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http://www.dfw.state.or.usTrout fishing on the lower Deschutes has been consistently good lately and there have been quite a few anglers out between Mecca and Trout Creek. Steelhead fishing has been keeping up well for this time of year, and anglers had a good weekend between South Junction and Mecca.
On Jan. 1, all fishing from the northern boundary of the Warm Springs Reservation upstream to the Pelton Re-reg dam closes. This section reopens on April 22.
Chinook season is closed on the Deschutes, but coho retention is open through Dec. 31. Chinook are currently spawning in the mainstem Deschutes. Watch out for their redds or activity spawning fish if you are wading in areas with a lot of gravel substrate.
If you catch a steelhead, coho, or fall Chinook with an orange external tag that reads "ODFW THE DALLES" please record the tag number and call our office 541-296-4628. If you release the fish, please leave the orange tag in place.
Report Date:
Includes updates to fishing, crabbing and clamming, hunting Recreation Report holiday break Due to the upcoming holidays, we'll be taking a break......