Report Date:
Fall River will also have good water conditions, but way more snow to contend with than any of the other local rivers at this time. Hatchery access will be the only easy place to drive to and park. So it will be crowded.
Getting to the Falls is unknown to me after this cold and snowy week. If you try, have chains, a shovel for each person in the vehicle to use and some extra water and food in case you are stuck and digging out. It’s an actual concern there. I also carry a Garmin Inreach with Iridium Satellite capability. Just in case.
There is likely no good parking for a while at the Camp Ground, and limited parking at the Headwaters Station.
BWO and Midges are the 2 main hatches, so fish the cycle from bottom to top for both.
Eggs & Small Streamers will be great too.