If you are looking to hook a ton of trout, Baum Lake is the place to be right now

The Fly Shop

Report Date:


If you are looking to hook a ton of trout, Baum Lake is the place to be right now. A lot of people are going, so keep that in mind. Be careful getting there as there is still quite a bit of snow on the passes from Old Station on 44 and Burney on 299. Fish are eating midges, balanced leeches, and BWO's. Sunny days are bringing some small hatches allowing some good opportunities at dry fly fishing. Good flies are any smaller, black midge pattern like the Zebra Midge, bring a variety of sizes from #16-20. Balanced Leeches in black and olive under an indicator are staples here. If you are tying your own, the smaller patterns like a #14 can be deadly under a small indicator or a dry. Keep some Adams in sizes #14-20 and the CDC BWO in #20 for those dry opportunities. Our guides have this place wired if you are looking for some tactical advice on fishing a great spring creek fishery with an expert!

Hot Flies: 

Dry Flies:
Adams - #18-20
Hackle Winged May - BWO
Harrop's Last Chance - All
Griffith's Gnat
Mercer's Missing Link - #14-18

Nymphs/Wet Flies:
Red Copper John - #18
GB Flashback PT - #14-20
Beaded Zebra Midge - #18-20
Mercer's Gidget
Mercer's CB Micro Mays - #16-18
GB Flashback PT - Olive #18
Beaded Zebra Midge - #16-20
Chromie - #18

Steamers & Leeches:
JGF Translucent Wiggle Tail - #10
Beaded Micro Buggers - #12
Zack's Damseleech - #14


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