Report Date:
Current intel is the creek is running clear and maybe a little low. With the lengthening days, keep your eyes peeled for sunny skies and south winds and this will kick off some good hatches.The Rainbows are spawning in the riffle areas, please give them space to do their thing. Primary emerging insects will probably continue with smaller mayflies like Baetis and midges. Zebra Midges in #18 or 20, S&M's in #18 and other Baetis nymphs fished under a larger dry is one of the more productive methods during the late fall and winter. Rubberlegs in the deeper holes will cajole a large fish to eat. We'll have some giant Caddis and Stonefly hatches soon. In the flats below the Powerhouse 2 Riffle, target sipping fish with the appropriately sized Adams, #18-20 would be about the largest we can recommend.
Hot Flies:
• Lance's Jigged X-May
• Rubberlegs
• Sweet Pea Jigged Baetis
• Pheasant Tails
• Mercer's Missing Link
• S&M Nymph
• Walt's Worm
• Peaches n' Green
• BP Weiss Nymph
Report Date:
A couple of anglers have reported you can get into Ah-Di-Na, use caution if you do as falling trees could......