Report Date:
http://www.longbeachsportfishing.comThe Tide Change will be departing in the morning (SAT)at 6am for a full day of fishing at Catalina! There is a lite load, you will be sure to have ample space to wrangle those fish on board! Walk ups are welcome so get to the landing early. The office will open at 5am to start selling tix and get you hooked up with the best gear to get loads of FISH!!! tix are $65 and parking is free. Grab a breakfast burrito when you get on board to build your strength and take a rest on a bunk on the way over to the island so you are ready for the Bonito, Calicos, Sheephead, Rockfish, Sculpin, Whitefish, Yellowtail and Seabass that are waiting for you!!