Report Date:
http://www.cortezcharters.comThe offshore fishing fell sharply this past week from Mazatlan and
there was a noticeable change in the water temps and offshore
clarity. On the other-hand, the inshore fishing was producing good
action and there was an excellent bite on corvina early in the week
that added to the overall action for the anglers. Unusual for this
time of year, not a single billfish was reported for the 8 offshore
fishing days that resulted in 1 mako shark and 8 dorado. The inshore
action for seven fishing days reflected 83 corvina, (the most we have
ever reported for the inshore fleet) 1 Toro, 1 Sierra, 1 barracuda,
20 mojarres and limits of roncachos, (bottomfish).
Mazatlan Climate: An unusual day, today, as the port was fogged in
and zero visibility existed but expected to clear in time to make the
fishing day. Otherwise, mostly sunny and clear days with temps from
48 nights (very cold for Mazatlan) to 81 daytime highs.
Sea Conditions: Inshore temps are 70-71 degrees and gradually rising
to 73-74 degrees by 25 miles, all with a green and often murky color
that tends to clear at 20-plus miles. The temp break and blue water
is now at the 35-40 miles mark.
Best Fishing Area: None Reported as the boats ffished far & wide
over the past several days with no particular area being fish
Best Bait/Lure: Rigged baits were the bait of choice for the dorado
and 1 mako shark.
Bait Supply: No problem for this area for live bait or fresh rigged