Report Date: Conditions:
Fair flows are at 405cfs as of 7/28.
Fishing Conditions and Hatches:
Flows are bouncing up and down too often to update, check the LADWP website before you head down.
Recommended Flies:
San Juan Worm Red , Copper John #16 Hares Ear Natural #16, Little Yellow Sloan #16-20, Mitchell's Split Case PMD #18
Bright Wing PMD #18, Harrups PMD Hairwing DUN #20, Hackel Stacker PMD #18-20, Yellow Sally, Yellow and Tan Grasshoppers Chernobyl Ants
Pop's Bugger, Flashabou Buggers
Report Date:
Water Conditions: Good, as of 7/28 flows are at 90cfs above the Hot Creek confluence. Fishing Conditions and Hatches: Good, try a......