Report Date:
http://www.KensSport.comThe East was bumped to 477 cfs today (from about 370 cfs for the last week). This increase was probably due to the thunder showers we've been getting the past two days. It has been fishing really well, mostly with caddis nymphs and small midges. The increased flow shouldn't change things too much, you'll just have to add a little extra weight to get your flies down.
Fly Recommendations:
Weir's caddis pupa, fox's poopah, LaFontaines sparkle pupa, zebra midge, wd-40, san juan worm, silver streak, ice nymph have all bee working well.
Haven't heard much from the Rosachi lately, though the Sceirine Ranch has been fishing well.
Report Date:
The West has come up a bit due to the rain we've been getting but it's still starting to produce......