Report Date: Conditions:
Good clear water everywhere. Lake is still as full as it gets. North end is crystal clear beyond the weeds last 250 yards to the mouth. Water temps in channels like 53F and 70F on top so mucho flow down deep. Find the channel, find the fish looking for food served up by flowing stream sub-surface. Massive weed beds will come to the surface soon.
Fishing Conditions and Hatches:
Excellent if big fish do it for you! The big fish are spread out from the mouth of McGee out to 20 ft of water all along the old channel and big Browns off the channel cruising the massive weed beds looking for fry. Midging is slow-steady from early to about noon. If you aren't taking in the grandeur of the Sierra when your indicator goes under every 10-20 mins, you will come home with some 20+ inch fish. If not there when the grab comes maybe.
The yearly DFG planting has started and tons of dinks are starting to show up in Little Hilton. Get the kids out there for grab-a-minute action. A big fish here and there.
North end has a bunch of recent stockers that came to visit from the Owens. Some big fish show up occasionally. Stripping fry patterns is working everywhere.
Recommended Flies:
#16 Red/Black (early) then Gray/Black Optimidges(after 10 am), Mickey's Shaft Emerger, Ultimate Damsel, Jansens Calbaetis.
Extended body BWO's but not too many fish sipping on the surface yet. Try dry and dropper.
Stillwater Hares, Perfection Perch, Punk Perch, Doc's Twin Lake Special Black/Olive #10, Hornberg #10, Olive Matuka #10, Ultimate Damsel.
Guides Hint:
Strip or midge along well-defined weed lines for big fish cruising along the wall looking for errant fry.