Report Date:
http://www.silverlakeresort.netWell, fishing at Silver Lake and Rush Creek has slowed down a little this past week. The weather is warm and the cold water from all the snow this past Winter is slowing down a little. However, don't be to discouraged, Fish and Game is still putting in 900 pounds of catchables each week and we should be getting a load of Alper's Trout in the next week or so. We have still seen some nice stringers rolling in and the word on the street is that you either limit out or struggle. The basics still seem to be doing well, with Salmon Peach or Garlic Power Baits working and a steady stream of worms have also done well. Thomas Buoyants and tasmanina Devils, as well as some streamers like a Wooly Bugger or Olive Matukas have also done well this week.
Fish of the week belong to Chuck Cosenza of Chatsworth who caught a nice 2 pound 7 ounce Rainbow on Rush Creek using a Nitecrawler. Lilly Anthony of Corona caught a nice 3 pound rainbow from the shore of Silver Lake using Garlic Power Bait. Elijah Kirkey (Age 6,pictured in the main photo) of Corona caught his first fish on Rush Creek using Rainbow Power Bait. Sam Yamashita of Culver City caught a great looking rainbow on Silver Lake using a nitecrawler.
Keep fsihing hard and remember, they call it fishing and not catching.
Good Luck and Happy Fishing.
Report Date:
Fishing at Silver Lake and Rush Creek has continued to stay relatively steady despite the hot weather and the full......
Report Date:
Another big load of DFG fish and a good looking load of Alpers trout this week have set the bar......