Report Date: Conditions: Good as of 8/22 the flows are steady at 63 cfs. Great flows, and with the temps in the 80's-90's it's perfect for wet wading!
Still tons of Mud Snails so clean your gear before you wade somewhere else! Recently planted just above the bridge and down by the monument.
Fishing Conditions and Hatches: Good
not as many big fish being pulled out below the bridge. Bait guys taking 5 fish each day can have a dramatic effect on fishing down below the bridge. Still plenty of smaller fish to be had. Nymphing with attractors and a fair ammount of weight is the way to go. Hopper Dropper rigs are working best way up above the Hot Creek confluence, and dredging the bottom of the deep end pools is working down below the campground closer to the lake.
Water is low and mostly clear above the Hot Creek confluence, and the fish can be spooky. Trico Hatch early, with some PMD's and midges as well.
Recommended Flies:
DRIES: Royal Coachmen #18, Kaufman Stimulator #18, Parachute Adams #20,Elk Hair Caddis #16-18, Clown Shoe Caddis #18, Mercer's Missing Link # 16-18, Parachute Caddis #18, Griffifth's Gnat #20, Rubber Leg Stimulator #16, Chernobyl Ant, Taylor's Fat Albert #14
NYMPHS: Zebra Midge #16-18, Red Copper John #14-18, Flashback Hare's Ear #16, Tungsten Zebra Midge #18-20, Copper Zebra Midge #20-22, Nori's Caddis Pupa #18, Olive Bird's Nest #16, Red/Pink San Juan Worm, Prince Nymph #14-16, Miracle Nymph #16-18, Black Bead Bird's Nest #14-16
STREAMERS: Doc's Twin Lake Special Black Meat Whistles, Olive Black and Brown Wooly Buggers, Slump Busters, Perfection Perch, Punk Perch, Stinging Sculpin
Guide's Hint: Keep a good distance between your indicator and your weight and let your bugs dredge the bottom when the water is dirty down below the bridge. Hopper Dropper rigs working well up where the water is clear and low.