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http://www.gilligansguideservice.comThis is it folks, right now until the end on November on the Cali side. After that it will be to cold and you will be bummed you didn't get up here this fall. By the end of November, I'll pretty much only be fishing the Nevada side. The Nevada side is fishing very good right now too. It is only going to get better down in the battle born state as colder weather approaches. Remember, the Nevada side of the Truckee River is a great winter trout fishery. Any way you like to sling a fly is producing-streamers, drys, and nymphs. The main bugs are b-dubs, and stones. There are isonychia,and mahogany duns around too, with october caddis on the way. I have seen a few of the big caddis flying around. Hopper fishing can be very good too. Browns are moving about the cabin here in Hirchdale. This is the time of year, I like to go out in front once in a while and see who's moving through. Next week is suppose to be cool, and today the first day of fall, you can definitely feel that winter is looming. We had some real heart-breakers this last week. That once in a lifetime fish. Hopefully, we'll land a few of them this next week.
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Hard to believe I got paid for the last couple days on the Truckee River. It's nice when the fish......
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Seems like Indian Summer has kicked in. Usually does this time of year. Nights are cool and getting longer, and......