Report Date:
http://www.dfw.state.or.usCommercial troll salmon fishermen are reminded that mandatory reporting requirements are in effect for all landings into Oregon from any quota managed ocean salmon fishery. This includes ALL commercial salmon seasons between Leadbetter Pt., Washington and Cape Falcon, Oregon; and all commercial salmon seasons from June 1 through October 31 in the area between Humbug Mt., Oregon and the Oregon/California border. Landings delivered must be reported within one hour of delivery or prior to transport away from the point of landing. Landing reports must include the vessel name and number, number of salmon by species, port of landing and location of delivery, and estimated time of delivery.
Report Date:
COLUMBIA RIVER MAINSTEM, Tongue Point/Rocky Point Line to Beacon Rock Effective May 25 - June 15, 2013: Open for adipose fin-clipped Chinook,......