Report Date:
http://www.fishintrepid.comOur 3 day open returned this morning with after a very successful trip offshore Bluefin Tuna fishing. Jackpot winners: First Place is Donald Aiso with a 74.6 lb. BFT...Second Place is Derrick Hong with a 66 lb. BFT and Third Place is Mike Flores with a 63.4 lb. BFT. Honorable mention goes to Joanne Puscizna with her 71.5 lb. BFT. Also pictured is Julia Golstein-Raheb smiling with one of many BFT she landed. Thanks again for a great trip. The Intrepid departs tomorrow morning for our Douglas / Baja Fish Gear / Open 9 day adventure and we will report soon. Have a safe 4th of July. "The Intrepid Team"
Report Date:
Hi everyone. We awoke this morning to a calm ocean and bluefin marks under the boat. Unfortunately, the bluefin that were laying under us at gray light did not bite. We had another batch of fish later in the morning that did the same thing, no bites. We had to start working to-wards home at 1100 and along the way had some action on kelp paddy yellowtail. Once again, this was a good group on board, everyone got along,......
Report Date:
"We fished for bluefin tuna today and did very well," wrote Intrepid skipper Kevin Osborne July 2. "We didn't do......