Report Date:
http://www.fishintrepid.comEvening Report Another fun filled day here On The Intrepid. We had it all out today with the Kayaks, skiff, and our friends running the cruisers hunting down some fun fishing experiences. Everyone enjoyed coming in for lunch again today to get out of the heat for a few before heading back out to target whatever types of fish or fun one can think of. This week we have had less rain and cloud cover blocking the sun, so it has been a bit on the warm side. There were some very nice Snapper caught today, but most of them battled so hard and strong that they rocked us no matter what gear we went after them with. It sure is fun to go after a fish that you know will probably get the better of you when you hook into them. Exciting is the theme there. We will get some rest and then spend a little time on the beach in the morning before headed for port. "The Intrepid Team"