Report Date:
http://www.royalpolaris.comMAKING THE MOVE(013014) Good morning everyone; Reporting from the Royal Polaris. With more boats showing up, Captain Roy made the decision to make a move. So after the morning bite, we departed and we are now headed for greater pastor. We have a great group, and everyone is looking forward to the move. Passengers and crew both need to regenerate, regroup, and get papered for tomorrow's battle. Lucky anglers today, Karl Fechner (223 pound Yellowfin Tuna) and Jim "we call him Jerry" Springer (230 pound Yellowfin Tuna). We will be traveling most of the day, and will arrive to our next destination in the early morning hours. The R/p crew. "Making Your Fishing Dreams Come True"
If you would like to go fishing with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (619) 226-8092 to get in on the action.Report Date:
"I've had trips that had far more fish number wise, even trips that had a few more cows, but I......
Report Date:
"Save the best for last, finish off with a bang," posted Larry Eilbot for the Royal Polaris December 16, "hey,......