ODFW Bennett Dams Fish Counts Update

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Report Date:


Upper and Lower Bennett Dams

Upper and Lower Bennett Dams are located southeast of the town of Stayton on the North Santiam River. Upper Bennett Dam is on the south side of Stayton Island and Lower Bennett Dam is on the north side. Fish passage structures and video cameras are installed at each dam. Review of the video feed allows an ODFW employee to counts the number and species of fish making their way upstream.

Fish Counts - 1/1/14 through 8/16/14

Summer Steelhead 2488 863 3351
Winter Steelhead 770 105 875
Unknown Steelhead 31 3 34
Total Steelhead 3289 971 4260
Spring Chinook -- ad clipped 4673 572 5245
Spring Chinook -- unmarked 1258 145 1403
Spring Chinook -- jacks 113 33 146
Spring Chinook -- unknown mark 2 1 3
Spring Chinook -- total 6046 751 6797
Lamprey 1280 130 1413
Coho 1 0 1

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ODFW Snake Zone Reg Updates Update

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Report Date:

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