Report Date: California Department of Water Resources (DWR) is conducting a large-scale sediment removal project in the Yolo Bypass, adjacent to the south bank of the Sacramento River at Fremont Weir. The work is in progress and is scheduled to end Nov 15, 2006. Public access is currently closed in the area and will re-open after the project is completed. The area has been popular in past years with hunters during dove season, which opens on Sep. 1. Check out:?Į for other ideas on places to hunt doves in California.
The project is necessary to remove accumulated flood-deposited sediment over an area of about 250 acres.?? During this time, large earth-moving equipment including excavators, bulldozers, scrapers, loaders, haul trucks and water trucks, will remove a large quantity of sediment from the Federal flood control facility on both north and south sides of the Fremont Weir structure. Only personnel authorized by DWR for purposes of working on this project shall be allowed within this area for the duration of the project.
Report Date:
iSANTA BARBARA ??? The California Fish and Game Commission has officially recognized the newly formed California Waterfowlers Hall of Fame......