Report Date:
http://www.amigosportfishing.comCapt Bill Cavanaugh checked in from the Amigo as they just finished fishing for gamefish, we did manage to get 3 White Seabass up to 30lbs for our efforts. We did a little scouting around and have seen that the squid are really moving in to the area, so things are really starting to take shape for a great season. When you come out I recommend that you have a 30lb rig and I am a believer in having a flourocarbon leader, we did have a couple other chances but folks got excited and swung to early. The loop should be at least 18-20 inches long and a 3/0 or 4/0 circle hook and remember to let the fish load up for you. We are now headed out to do some rockfishing, we will check back in again later.