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http://www.ebparks.orgEven after one of the worst droughts in decades, the Rainbow Trout in Redwood Regional Park are still hanging on! This amazing and resilient species was caught spawning on film in Redwood Creek near the park just a week ago.
In this video, you can see the female trout dig a bed for her eggs with her tail, the large male trout deposit milt to fertilize around 0:43 and the tiny male trout trying to do the same!
Video courtesy of Mary Ann King.
Rainbow Trout Spawning at Redwood Regional ParkEven after one of the worst droughts in decades, the Rainbow Trout in Redwood Regional Park are still hanging on! This amazing and resilient species was caught spawning on film in Redwood Creek near the park just a week ago. In this video, you can see the female trout dig a redd for her eggs with her tail, the large male trout deposit milt to fertilize around 0:43 and the tiny male trout trying to do the same!Video courtesy of Mary Ann King.
Posted by Crab Cove Visitor Center on Tuesday, February 9, 2016
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The multiple Storms that we have had this week has raised the lake level making the south end muddy. Have......
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Not much new to report. -Trout fishing is still good at the East Side, North side of lake or from a boat with nightcrawlers, Power Eggs, or Mice Tails. - Catfish bite is slow. Try fishing at Channel Point, Loma Island or from a boat with nightcrawlers or chicken liver. - Black Bass have been biting with artificial baits/lures or nightcrawlers anywhere around the lake. - Try fishing for Crappie or Bluegill with jigs or worms at the Boat Ramp......